The Story of the Seed

Blog #3

1) The changes I noticed this week was that the plant did grow a little, but it looked pretty dry like it needed some water and I also noticed that one of the stems with a leave on it had fallen and was really dry.

2) Their roles in the water cycle is transpiration of plants which makes the water go up in the sky for condensation. After seeing my plant today I guess it just did this process because of how dry it looked when I went to go see it.(View picture above)

3) Their roles in the carbon cycle is photosynthesis and plant respiration which lets carbon into the air. The plants are always doing plant respiration and photosynthesis so I don't think it had any affect on its physical appearance.

4) The role of my plant in the nitrogen cycle is plant consumption and organic residues which means they ate nitrogen and threw it out as organic matter. I think the fallen stem that fell off the plant is part of the organic matter and the plant will use it to throw out even more organic matter.


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