Anthers and Stigmas and Styles Blog Post #7

 First things first in a flower you would need seeds. And we got these seeds because our original plant the Brasseca had to grow big enough and be healthy enough to grow these flowers that would have these seeds and all these different parts that we learned about. These parts would be the stigma, anthers, carpel, stamen and ovales. So first you would need the anthers which would produce the pollen and attract pollenators (bee) and send pollen to other plants. And then the bees with fly to the plant and basically sit on the stigma and would get stuck and extract the pollen. Then that pollen would go to the ovales and those would help fertilize the eggs, which would eventually become the seeds for the other plant.
The image shows a close up picture of a brasseca flower. Which has pollentators take pollen and spread it to other flowers and then thse flowers get pollnators and so on.  
This image shows the anther which produces the pollen in the plant and the pollenaters will take the pollen and transfer it to a new Brassica plant and the same thing will happen and so on.
This image shows the female reproductive system. And the female reproductive system has a carpel which is like the main stem of the plant with a sticky end called Stigma. The sticky end gets all the pollen.
This picture shows the part of the plant that got ripped apart and the parts that got ripped apart
were the sepals, petals, stamens and some of the carpel. And the Ovary was not ripped apart but jsut sliced open and has little immature seeds in it.


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