Blog Post #8

                                                                   Blog Post #8
1) The leafs have the biggest variation because they different shapes and sizes like on our plant(Yordi, Isaac,Aiden) have oval shaped leaves that are very large. The characteristic with the most variation is the stem of the plant. Some of the plants have green stems and others have purple stems but most of the plants out there  are purple. Also variation is in the height, our plant is the shortest ad smallest plant and others in the flower bed are much taller and some are wider. And no brassica is ever the same height and width.

2) In different brassica´s there is alt of variability because of the gene and the traits. The plants use selective breeding to give their younger plants different traits to see which have advantages which is smart for the plants to see which changes up the plants genes. With those changes the effect of descent modifiation happens and the new plants pass down down their genes. In the beginning of the process there was natural variation. Now we are using brassica plants which is called artificial selection.

3) The part of the brassica plant that seems to more constint is the stems. The reason it is because the stems are always doing work and some stems just look the same and do the same just like the leaves some have the same colors and size and mass. This could happen because of descent modification because they get there parents genes and how they pass it down.

4)What I think plant breeders might use could be mutations to genetically enhance there genes and make them look better. It would be pretty hard to do in my opinion because you have to make it perfect to see if they can good sizes and colors so it would affect the stem. The mutation would make the plant look different then all the others and the plant would have advantages.


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